
The Big Picture



Operation Disclosure | By James O’Brien, Contributing Writer

Submitted on September 22, 2021

A very foolish site, and yet one I have followed closely for some time now, one which claims to report on the “Big Picture,” has disgraced itself by suggesting or promoting that Donald Trump has “abandoned his mission.”

This has always been about discernment. Spiritual discernment. And now, apparently, anyone with a podcast or social media account can declare themselves either royalty of certain countries, even though no one elected or appointed them, and/or the arbiters of the truth as it pertains to the mission fulfillment of someone whose task they couldn’t handle for ten minutes on the best day of their life.

Nevertheless, this is to be expected. In the first American Revolution, some of General George Washington’s greatest threats came from those closest to him, so-called patriots, and even those tasked with his personal protection.

Thankfully, Washington was protected by God. For some of those who claim to be truthers, sharing information on-line to guide the gullible and the sincere, you need to perform a cranial rectal extraction if you think the man who placed himself and his family on the front line of this battle for Freedom worldwide has now somehow abandoned his post and tossed in his cards, because it just got too tough on him. Or that he was never with us in the first place.

People are worshipping this stupid vaccine, on both sides of the aisle, giving it far too much power than it deserves. We don’t know what is in it, or what happened behind the scenes with it, all we know is that it is not mandatory, because of what Trump did in making it emergency-use only with Operation Warpspeed.     

Now some of those who were former cheerleaders for the Light are telling us we should give up on Trump, because some tools with a podcast have “proof” that Trump is a “Traitor of America”? GTFO.

Of course, when the tide turns, websites like this will claim they were only sharing information and will use plausible deniability to smooth over their sad transgressions at such an important crossroads moment, and claim that they supported Trump all along. 

But the reality is, they have claimed President Trump has betrayed the movement and that he has “defected.” 




“I wonder… what will happen to all those Trump coins, hats, and paraphernalia? Will they wind up like the piles of discarded masks we see littering the streets?”


The strength of citizen journalists is that anyone can do it. The weakness of it is also the same. 

“There’s a sucker born every minute. And two to take ’em.” 

Do you really think that God would select Donald Trump, like George Washington before him, for this momentous moment in world history, if he were someone who would fold and defect when the going got tough?

Perhaps you are merely projecting your own weakness and flip-floppery upon him? As well as General Flynn. 

Putting out a website/blog is easy work compared to what President and Commander-in-Chief Trump has faced. He put his life on the line every day of this battle since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Naturally, some people will claim that he is controlled opposition, but have the corporate media, central banker’s and DC’s responses to him been that of controlled opposition? Give me a break. They have been at war with him and his supporters since day one.

What the Alliance has done behind the scenes with the vaccine remains to be seen, but we are also still in the on-going battle. No one can force you to get the vaccine, but if a loved one got it you also don’t know what was in it. However, you must remember what you stood for when you suggested to your many followers that President Trump was a defector and a traitor. Anyone who makes this suggestion, at this late stage, is someone lacking in discernment or controlled opposition themselves, or simply and perhaps more likely, someone who can be played by anyone with a blog pretending to be ‘American Intelligence’ or someone else larping as a King or Queen on the internet, who hasn’t been out there in the realtime bloodsport of Washington, DC or anywhere else that counts, as their actual public selves and not an internet Anon, doing the heavy lifting, like Donald Trump, and putting it all on the line in the main arena, while others spectate and scoff their easy derision from the sidelines. 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”




Do not forget where we came from or what got us to this point.

This video should remind you of what this is all about.

This is not about worshipping one man, or investing everything in him, but when you are in the Second American Revolution, you don’t abandon and discredit your General Washington on the eve of his siege of Yorktown, or any of the battles that preceded it.

If you do, you are in dire need of a cranial rectal extraction. And at the worst possible moment.

Wake up and get back in the fight.

Anything can be forgiven if you can humbly see how you have erred in smearing the good name of a truly courageous leader.

If not, get the hell out of the way, because you are an unintentional roadblock on the path to Truth and Justice.


Parting the Washington Sea


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